Some exciting news peeps!!
Monday night I had my first ever “viewing” with the coach from MBS to try out for the Competition Team.
Basically all I had to do was stand under a spot light in my bikini... OMG! I’m one of those girls who can’t wear bikini bottoms to the beach, only shorts..... so I was very nervous!
I was asked to pose and do quarter turns (which I have never done before) luckily there was a girl in the meeting showing me.
I pretty much went to the try out wanting some advice from the coach on whether I would even be ready for comp and how long he recommends I keep training for to reach “comp/stage ready”
To my surprise he said I have good muscle and he can get me on stage ready for the comps coming up in September!! ARGHHHHH I know... what the? I never even thought I would be competing this year? But apparently if I listen and follow all of his rules and guidelines I will get on stage!
So comp prep starts in two weeks and I can’t wait! I finally have a purpose to train hard and eat clean! I have a goal set and an end result to achieve!
It’s all very exciting and very intense – I had no idea how serious the MBS team are about competition. I have to sign a contract confirming I will follow all guidelines and diet and not give away any trade secrets... WOW!.. I will be blogging lots of pictures and progress reports though (they are allowed).
I get my uniform and model (stripper) heals to practice in. I will be continuing my weights training 4 days a week and my body balance/Pilates class once a week. I have to stop spin class and have been told to power walk for an hour every day instead.. I will be attending a pose class weekly and will check in with the coach once a week to have my diet and body monitored.
Stay tuned peeps J
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